#Sewage #Water #treatment is important

 The  adverse  environmental  impact of  allowing  untreated wastewater to be discharged in groundwater or surface water bodies and or lands are as follows: 

1. The decomposition of the organic materials contained in wastewater can lead to the production of large quantities of malodorous gases. 

2. Untreated wastewater (sewage) containing a large amount of organic matter, if discharged into a river /  stream, will consume the dissolved oxygen for satisfying the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of wastewater and thus deplete the dissolved oxygen of the stream, thereby causing fish kills and other undesirable effects. 

3. Wastewater may also contain nutrients, which can stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algal blooms, thus leading to eutrophication of the lakes and streams. 

4. Untreated wastewater usually contains numerous pathogenic, or disease causing microorganisms and toxic compounds, that dwell in the human intestinal tract or may be present in certain industrial waste. These may contaminate the land or the water body, where such sewage is disposed. 

For the above-mentined reasons the treatment and disposal of wastewater, is not only desirable but also necessary.


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