Best way is to disinfect Coronavirus with Disinfectant.

As per the Journal of Hospital Infections  “Coronavirus” can persist in the air for up to 3 hours. It can persist upto 9 days on non porous surfaces such as steel or plastic. Any hard surface can persist Coronavirus. 

Best way is to disinfect Coronavirus with Disinfectant. 

Study says “Coronaviruses”  are enveloped viruses with a protective fat layer,”. Disinfectants tear apart that fat layer, which makes coronaviruses  “fairly wimpy” .

Sanihiegene disinfectant is very effective to destroy corona virus.

 SaniHiegene” a multitasking disinfectant is a better alternative to keep Corona  virus free  at Home or at Work.  SaniHiegene  is biodegradable and  has the ability to kill Bacteria, Virus, Fungi, HIV, HBV , MRSA & COVID-19.

It has European Standard test certificate like EN 16616, EN 13727, EN 13624, EN 14476. Sanihiegene  disinfectant is presently  being used in most of the reputed Hospitals, & Pharma companies in India for Covid-19. 

Key Features are as below.

1.    It has  Bactericidal, Fungicidal & Virucidal activity.

2.    Effective against COVID-19, HIV, HBV & MRSA.

3.    EN 13697 Bectericidal & Fungicidal, EN 14476  Virucidal  activity test report & EN 16616  textile or Linen Disinfectant.

4.    Aldehyde  free & Safe. (aldehyde are genotoxic carcinogens).

5.    It has  compatibility with rubber, plastic, fibre glass & other metal. Rust free & Chlorine free.

6.    It is  multitasking use it for Air Fogging, Floor mopping, production area, Staff Linen & uniforms, high-touch surfaces, store room, Vehicles and other places of men movement. This can be used from the main gate where all materials as well as people comes  in to the entire office & factory area of people movement.

7.    Fire hazard  free.

For more details please mail to



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