#CoolingTower #Water #treatment

#Water #Coolingtower #Descale #Dissolved #Disinfection #Algae
 Water is becoming more and more scare, and where facilitie
s are already seeing these water shortages, local regulations about how much water you can draw from your source and discharge will grow more stringent.
Industries are  using cooling towers to remove heat from an industrial process/machines  or for cooling large buildings, there are several issues that can surface during the cooling tower water treatment process that we see on a regular basis.
When a cooling tower is running inefficiently, it can require too much makeup water, electricity and cause excess blow down.
Since cooling towers remove heat by the process of evaporation, it’s no surprise that they, in turn, can use lots of water to make up the difference. Depending on the quality of makeup water being added to the cooling tower and the  operation efficiency of the unit, large amounts of dissolved solids can remain after evaporation occurs, causing an increased need to “Blow down” or remove solid waste  and dissolved solids build-up from the circulation water before it has a chance to scale or corrode equipment.
Maintaining better makeup water chemistry by removing scale, removing bacterial growth and algae is an ideal and best form of remedy. It not only saves Blow down, break down but also increases the efficiency of Cooling Tower as well as the machineries that requires jacket cooling effect.
Ecoclean 2300 is an ideal solution for this. It descales the scaling, flocculate the dissolved impurities and disinfect the water. Thus it gives better cooling effect to the machines and required places.

We are sure our Ecoclean 2300 will help your Industry to descale the pipe lines and jacket water system of your machinery and will enhance the efficiency of the machines.

For more details please visit our web 
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