#Water shortage in Shimla.
#Water shortage in
Shimla is a very popular
tourist destination in the northen state of Himachal Pradesh is starving for
Earlier this year Bangalore, home to the
country’s information technology sector, made it to a list of world
cities most likely to run out of drinking water. It joins other parched
metropolises like Cape Town Jakarta and Sao Paolo.
Residents of Shimla had to wait nearly four days to get water, with many
lining up with buckets to collect water from tankers. The situation worsened
over the following week of May, pushing authorities to close state schools
for five days and to ask tourists to stay away.
Water is precious. Save
Recycle and re-use waste water is
the only solution for these water crisis. Use Ecoclean 2300 for
Recycle & re-use of water.
more details please visit our YouTube Channel
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